Lao currency is called kip (LAK). The exchange rate is around 8,000-9,000 to US$1. US cash and Thai baht is commonly used for larger purchases. Kip is a non-convertible currency, meaning once you have left Laos, it's useful only as wallpaper. Banks outside Laos will not accept nor exchange kip. International access ATMs dispensing US dollars can be found in most major tourist centres across the country.
Despite being one of the poorer nations on earth, Laos is a very safe country to travel in. Petty theft, particularly the snatch and grab variety, is a bit of a problem, but only really in the capital Vientiane. Drugs are readily available in some centres, notably Vang Vieng. Partakers should exercise a great degree of care as overdoses and deaths are not unheard of -- not to mention buying is illegal.
While corruption is an issue in Laos, the police can be of moderate assistance. Don't expect to be extorted as may happen in Cambodia. Most police will not speak English.
Anything more serious than a papercut or a hangover, get to Thailand for seriously good healthcare. Do not, repeat do not, undergo any serious medical treatment in a Lao hospital if you can avoid it. You have travel insurance right? This is what it is for.
Public transport is relatively comprehensive and inexpensive, but very, very slow. Driving standards are woeful and seatbelts are close to non-existent, but speeds do tend to be slow. Motorcyle taxis are a very common way to get around -- always wear a helmet (if you can get your hands on one). Road quality, especially in the mountainous north, can be very patchy and in wet season landslides are not uncommon.
Yes, you will need a visa for Laos. See our Laos visa page for details.
Lao language
If you already speak some Thai, you'll find the basics of Lao not difficult to pick up. The two languages are related, but not all that close -- think Spanish to Italian rather than Spanish to French. Lao speakers tend to understand more Thai than Thais understand Lao, though that may have something to do with Lao being better listeners (and the economic underdogs)!
Laos is a developing country
Don't expect the bus to leave on time, nor for your mojito to have ebough mint in it. The tourism industry is developing and considerable resources are being poured into training, particularly in Luang Prabang, but it will take time for Laos to really shine. Outside of the main tourist centres, don't be surprised by the complete lack of tourist infrastructure.
Laos is a wonderful country
Don't let the slow buses put you off. Laos is a fascinating destination. It takes a long time to get around -- especially in the north -- so don't try to bite off more than you can chew. In Laos, less is more: See fewer places for longer stretches and you'll have a better time.
What to do
Cooking courses and food walks: When it comes to food and food walks, all roads lead to Luang Prabang, with Tamarind and Bamboo Tree two stand-out options.
Kayaking in Vang Vieng: Now that Vang Vieng is attracting a different sort of traveller (the kind that aren’t interested in tubing), kayaking has exploded in popularity and trips down the river, ranging from an hour to a full day, are offered by several tour companies in town. Whatever vessel you choose, a trip on the river is a must while in Vang Vieng.
Buddha Park: More curious than spectacular—which makes for a curious spectacle—a rogue monk is said to have attempted to reconsolidate Buddhism and Hinduism into his own brand of mysticism through a prolific collection of sculptures depicting various deities and scenes from both religions. Today, it is known as Buddha Park.
When to go
The most popular time to visit Laos is between November and February. There is little rain but the rivers are high and the weather isn’t too hot. The Lao rainy season runs from May to October. April is very hot and can be very smoky due to farmers burning back. On the upside, April brings Lao New Year—the party to end all parties.
How long to go for
How long have you got?! For a first-time visitor looking to see just see Luang Prabang on a fly-in, fly-out trip, three days would suffice, but as soon as you get into multiple destinations, you’ll be needing at least a week. With two weeks you could explore one region of the country—raising the question, north or south? Overall, to touch on all the main bases across Laos you would really need three weeks at a minimum.
There are two seasons: the hot dry season and the hot wet season. Chances are if you're from anywhere outside the tropics, you'll find Laos to be very hot -- and sweaty. For detailed weather info, see our Laos weather page. The exception is the far north, especially Phongsali province, which can get downright cold, especially in the evenings.